Diseaseless Program - Eating Habits For Weight Loss

Before going to bed, if you really want to eat, you can enjoy a 250 gr. yogurt or yogurt with honey (one teaspoon).

Saturday diet looks like this:

• Both breakfasts should be replaced with two liters of water to drink within two hours.

• Dinner consists of a cup of vegetable broth, a glass of milk with a teaspoon of honey and you can add cocoa, citrus juice of one (better to give preference grapefruit). Information Research By Diseaseless Program

• Snack consists of a cup nonfat yogurt.

• Dinner baked lean fish (200 gram) cup light vinaigrette of boiled vegetables.

• Before going to bed can be repeated on Friday: 250 gr. yogurt with honey.

Sunday menu might look like:

• First breakfast: in half a liter of water add the juice of one grapefruit and drink it within half an hour, a glass of milk with a teaspoon of honey and cocoa.

• Brunch consists only of water, one liter of water to drink for an hour, divide it into portions of 250 grams every half hour.

• Lunch consists of boiled white meat chicken or fish (about 200 gr.), A light vegetable salad flavored with lemon juice.

• Dinner: vegetable salad dressed with olive oil.

• At night, again a cup of yogurt with honey. Visit to Contact Ken Drew

This menu is more complex, but also more diverse and frankly delicious but with all the simplicity and charm of milk diet.


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